Exactag S2S Tracking Connector Setup Guide
This article describes how to set up the Exactag S2S Tracking connector in your Customer Data Hub account.
This article describes how to set up the Exactag S2S Tracking connector.
API Information
This connector uses the following vendor API:
- API Name: Exactag S2S Tracking API
- API Version: v1.0
- API Endpoint:
Action name | AudienceStream | EventStream |
Send Page Impression Event | ✗ | ✓ |
Send Onsite Conversion Request | ✗ | ✓ |
Navigate to the Connector Marketplace and add a new connector. For general instructions on how to add a connector, see About Connectors.
After adding the connector, configure the following settings:
- Campaign
The 32-byte encrypted brand specific campaign code.
The following section lists the supported parameters for each action.
Send Page Impression Event
Unique Identifier Attribute
Parameter | Description |
euk | A unique identifier to identify the person or device. Use this parameter when using Tealium Visitor ID. |
mid | Use this parameter when the Mobile Device ID, such as IDFA or Google Play Store ID, is being used. It must be MD5 hashed and used as user key. |
uk | A unique identifier to identify the person or device. This value must be MD5 hashed. Use this parameter if using an Exactag User ID. |
gk | A unique identifier to identify an anonymous group of multiple users. This value must be MD5 hashed and combined with the group expire timestamp (urlEncoded or base64url). |
Event Attributes
Parameter | Description |
sitegroup | Required. Configured event / sitegroup. Used to categorize the page impressions and to identify conversion events. |
useragent | Required. User agent of the client (encoded). |
ipaddress | Required. IP Address of the client used for geolocation (not stored). |
referrer | Required. Referrer URL, which must include the protocol. For example: https://www.tealium.com |
sessionid | Required. Value to identify a single user session. |
host | Required. Host (domain only without site and protocol). For example: example.com |
site | Required. Path part of requested URI. For example, resources is the path portion of https://tealium.com/resources/ . |
search | Required. Query part of requested URI. For example: ?utm_campaign=abc |
sescount | Required. Session number, where 1 is a new visitor, and greater than 1 is a recurring visitor. |
sesevent | Required. Session number, where 1 is the first page impression in this session. |
optout | Binary. If set to 1, the request is treated as if the customer has opted out. In this case, the user identifier is ignored and not stored. |
consent | JSON object for type or partner based consent (URL encoded). For example: {“comfort”:1,”analytics”:0,”marketing”:0} . To create more complex data structures, provide the template name in the Event Attributes Templates section. |
consent_string | IAB GDPR consent string. |
protocol | Protocol. Either http or https . |
params | A JSON object containing any additional parameters to send to Exactag. To create more complex data structures, provide the template name in the Event Attributes Templates section. |
Event Attributes Template Variables | Provide template variables as data input. For more information, see Template variables guide. Name nested template variables with the dot notation (for example: items.name ). Nested template variables are typically built from data layer list attributes. |
Event Attributes Templates | Provide templates to be referenced in Event Attributes. For more information, see Trimou templating engine guide. Templates are injected into supported fields by name with double curly braces. For example: {{SomeTemplateName}} |
Send Onsite Conversion Request
Unique Identifier Attribute
Parameter | Description |
euk | A unique identifier to identify the person or device. Use this parameter if using Tealium Visitor ID. |
mid | Use if the Mobile Device ID, such as IDFA or Google Play Store ID, is being used. It must be MD5 hashed and used as user key. |
uk | A unique identifier to identify the person or device. This value must be MD5 hashed. Use this parameter if using a Exactag User ID. |
gk | A unique identifier to identify an anonymous group of multiple users. This value must be MD5 hashed and combined with the group expire timestamp (urlEncoded or base64url). |
Request Attributes
Parameter | Description |
sitegroup | Required. Configured event / sitegroup. Used to categorize the page impressions and to identify conversion events. |
useragent | Required. User agent of the client (encoded). |
ipaddress | Required. IP Address of the client used for geolocation (not stored). |
referrer | Required. Referrer URL, which must include the protocol. For example: https://www.tealium.com |
sessionid | Required. Value to identify a single user session. |
host | Required. Host (domain only without site and protocol). For example: example.com |
site | Required. Path part of requested URI. For example, resources is the path portion of https://tealium.com/resources/ . |
search | Required. Query part of requested URI. For example: ?utm_campaign=abc |
sescount | Required. Session number, where 1 is a new visitor and greater than 1 is a recurring visitor. |
sesevent | Required. Session number, where 1 is the first page impression in this session. |
optout | Required. Binary. If set to 1, the request is treated as if the customer has opted out. In this case, the user identifier is ignored and not stored. |
level | Recommended. Configured commission level. |
orderid | Recommended. Order ID (Can be used for order deduplication). |
customerid | Recommended. Customer ID (Can be used for cross device). |
totalprice | Recommended. Total basket value. |
consent | URL encoded JSON object for type or partner based consent (for example: {“comfort”:1,”analytics”:0,”marketing”:0} ). To create more complex data structures, provide the template name in the Request Attributes Templates section. |
protocol | Protocol http or https . |
Request Attributes Template Variables | Provide template variables as data input. For more information, see Template variables guide. Name nested template variables with the dot notation (for example: items.name ). Nested template variables are typically built from data layer list attributes. |
Request Attributes Templates | Provide templates to be referenced in Request Attributes. For more information, see Trimou templating engine guide. Templates are injected into supported fields by name with double curly braces. For example: {{SomeTemplateName}} |
This page was last updated: May 22, 2024