These are popular Badges that have proven useful to other clients.
Browse Abandoner
Rule – A visitor who has viewed a product and did not add an item to the cart.
Action – If a Known Visitor and Facebook ID is known, send data to Facebook to retarget the brand to the visitor.
Business/Family Traveler
Rule – Assign when the visitor marks their travel type.
Cart Abandoner
Rule – A visitor who has added an item to the cart and did not purchase.
Action – If email address is known, send a personalized email with the abandoned items.
Coupon Code Abuser
Rule – A visitor attempts to use more than a certain number of coupon or promotion codes in a single visit.
Coupon Code Stuffer
Rule – A visitor has successfully used more than a certain number of coupon or promotion codes across all visits.
Disappointed Shopper
Rule – Assign when a visitor views a product that is currently out of stock.
Free Trial User
Rule – Assign when a visitor has signed up for a Free Trial.
Frequent Traveler
Rule – Assign when the visitor has traveled more than a certain number of times over a given time period, for example: Visitor has traveled 5 times in the last 12 weeks.
Known Visitor
Rule – Assigned when we capture an important identifier of the visitor, for example: Customer ID (client’s ID), Customer Email, Facebook ID. These visitors commonly targeted via email or social media
Action – None, but used in an Audience to ensure the visitor is targetable with a selected vendor API.
Loyal Visitor
Rule – Assign when a visitor has a certain number of direct visits to the site.
New Visitor
Rule – Assign when “Lifetime visit count” equals 1.
Rule – A visitor who has converted, for example: purchased a product or signed up for a service.
Action – Email in 2 weeks with an offer enticing to make another purchase or an email showing related items for purchase, for example if the visitor bought a baseball bat offer a baseball bag and batting gloves.
Action – Remove visitor from retargeting campaign so they are not remarketed unnecessarily.
Recent VIP Visitor
Rule – Assign when their rolling 90-day purchase value is over a certain dollar amount.
Sale Searcher
Rule – Assigned when a visitor views more than a certain number of sale pages, no matter whether is the sales category or a product on sale.
Search Abandoner
Rule – A visitor who has landed on the site from a search engine and has not shown completed a common action, such as viewing at least 3 pages in the visit.
Action – Determine the category searched and retarget with a Display Ad vendor.
Site Researcher
Rule – Assign when a visitor has more than a certain number of visits to the site and the average visit duration is over a specific number of minutes.
Test User
Rule – Assigned when “test” is in the URL, or debug cookie is set, or some other criteria that indicates a test visitor.
Allows an Audience and Action to be tested in production before a campaign goes live to ensure setup is correct.
Unknown Visitor
Rule – Assigned when the visitor has yet to authenticate on the website. Authenticate does not necessarily mean they have logged in, if a visitor comes to the site from an email and the email is in the URL then we’ve determined who the visitor is and they have “authenticated”,
Action – Display a modal to the visitor encouraging them to identify themselves. These visitors are more commonly targeted via Display Ad.
VIP Visitor
Rule – Assign when lifetime purchase value has increased to a certain dollar amount.
Window Shopper
Rule – A visitor who visits the site often but does not purchase, for example: a visitor who has been to the site 3 times in the last 7 days, has viewed a product details page or read an article, and has not purchased or signed up for a service.
Action – Determine their affinity to a category and change the landing page of the next session to personalize the experience.