- ページデータオブジェクトの変換
ソースデータオブジェクトをUniversal Data Object(utag_data
)に変換します(すべてのページロード時)。 - トラッキングコールの変換
//Define the teal global namespace
window.teal = window.teal || {};
teal.ignore_keys = {};
teal.replace_keys = {};
teal.prefix = "";
//In cases of a nested object, what should join the parent key and child key
teal.nested_delimiter = ".";
//Ignore keys in the data layer that start with the following text.
//Expecting an object of strings
teal.ignore_keys = {
"user" : 1,
"util" : 1
//Specify a prefix for data layer elements being sent to the utag_data object.
//Instead of utag_data.productID, it could be utag_data.dl_productID
// teal.prefix = "dl_";
//Keys to be removed from the new flattened key name
//For a flattened key, you have digitalData.page.pageInfo.pageName and you want digitalData.page.pi.pageName
/* teal.replace_keys = {
//For a flattened key, you have digitalData.page.pageInfo.pageName and you want digitalData.page.pageName
/* teal.replace_keys = {
//For a flattened key, you have digitalData.page.pageInfo.pageName and you want digitalData.pageName
/* teal.replace_keys = {
/*****************DO NOT MODIFY BELOW***********************/
teal.flattener_version = 1.4;
// From https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/keys
// Add the Object.keys method for older versions of IE
Object.keys||(Object.keys=function(){"use strict";var a=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,b=!{toString:null}.propertyIsEnumerable("toString"),c=["toString","toLocaleString","valueOf","hasOwnProperty","isPrototypeOf","propertyIsEnumerable","constructor"],d=c.length;return function(e){if("object"!=typeof e&&("function"!=typeof e||null===e))throw new TypeError("Object.keys called on non-object");var g,h,f=[];for(g in e)a.call(e,g)&&f.push(g);if(b)for(h=0;h<d;h++)a.call(e,c[h])&&f.push(c[h]);return f}}());
teal.ignoreKey = function(key,re){
var should_ignore_key = 0;
//Build a new array to avoid running through Object.keys multiple times
if(typeof teal.ignore_keys_list === 'undefined'){
teal.ignore_keys_list = Object.keys(teal.ignore_keys);
//Store a copy of the regex in the object
teal.ignore_keys[name] = new RegExp("^"+name);
should_ignore_key = 1;
//Loop through the ignore_keys object to see if we should ignore this key
should_ignore_key = 1;
return should_ignore_key;
teal.getKeyName = function(key,re){
//Create a new object to store regexs or use existing one
teal.replace_keys_regex = teal.replace_keys_regex || {};
//Build a new array to avoid running through Object.keys multiple times
if(typeof teal.replace_keys_list === 'undefined'){
teal.replace_keys_list = Object.keys(teal.replace_keys);
//Make a start of string and end of string regex
teal.replace_keys_regex.startOfString = new RegExp("^[" + teal.nested_delimiter + "]");
teal.replace_keys_regex.endOfString = new RegExp("[" + teal.nested_delimiter + "]$");
//Store a copy of the regex in the teal.replace_keys_regex object so that the regexs are only built once
teal.replace_keys_regex[name] = new RegExp("[" + teal.nested_delimiter + "]?" + name + "[" + teal.nested_delimiter + "]?", "g");
key = teal.keyReplace(key,name,teal.replace_keys_regex[name]);
//Loop through the replace_keys object to see what we should be replacing
key = teal.keyReplace(key,name,teal.replace_keys_regex[name]);
return key;
teal.keyReplace = function(key,name,re){
//Check to see if we are replacing the key name with a new value or if we are removing the key altogether
if(teal.replace_keys[name] === ''){
//The key needs to be removed completely
key = key.replace(re,teal.nested_delimiter);
//Check to see if the key starts with the nested delimiter and if so, remove it
if(key.indexOf(teal.nested_delimiter) === 0){
var cleanRegEx = new RegExp("^[" + teal.nested_delimiter + "]");
key = key.replace(cleanRegEx,'');
//Make a copy of the original key to see how we need to update the key name
var origKey = key;
//Replace the key name
key = key.replace(re,teal.nested_delimiter + teal.replace_keys[name] + teal.nested_delimiter);
//Check for the start of the origKey to see of the nested delimiter is there
//Remove the nested delimiter from the start of the string
var cleanRegEx = new RegExp("^[" + teal.nested_delimiter + "]");
key = key.replace(cleanRegEx,'');
//Check for the end of the origKey to see of the nested delimiter is there
//Add the nested delimiter to the end of the string
var cleanRegEx = new RegExp("[" + teal.nested_delimiter + "]$");
key = key.replace(cleanRegEx,'');
return key;
teal.processDataObject = function(obj,new_obj,parent_key,create_array){
if(typeof parent_key === "undefined"){
//This object isn't nested in another object
parent_key = "";
//Add the nested_delimiter to the parent key if the delimiter isn't already at the end
teal.nested_delimiter_regex = teal.nested_delimiter_regex || new RegExp("["+teal.nested_delimiter+"]$");
parent_key += ""+teal.nested_delimiter;
var nested_key_name = parent_key+key;
//Format the new key name and take out any whitespace
var new_key_name = teal.getKeyName((teal.prefix+parent_key+key).replace(/\s/g, ''));
//Set the key_type to limit the number of typeof checks
var key_type = teal.typeOf(obj[key]);
if(key_type !== 'undefined' && key_type != null){
if(key_type.match(/boolean|string|number|date/) && !teal.ignoreKey(key)){
//If obj[key] is a date, convert to ISOString
if(teal.typeOf(obj[key]) === 'date'){
obj[key] = obj[key].toISOString();
//Check to see if we need to create an array for this data point
//First check to see if this key exists
if(teal.typeOf(new_obj[new_key_name]) !== "array"){
//Make the key an array
new_obj[new_key_name] = [];
new_obj[new_key_name].push(""+obj[key]); //Force value to be a string
//If the value of the key is a boolean or a string or a number and
//the key shouldn't be ignored add to the data layer
new_obj[new_key_name] = ""+obj[key]; //Force value to be a string
}else if(key_type === 'object' && !teal.ignoreKey(key)){
//Process this piece of the data layer and merge it
}else if(key_type === 'array'){
teal.processDataArray = function(obj,new_obj,parent_key){
var objLength = obj.length;
if(typeof parent_key === "undefined"){
//This object isn't nested in another object
parent_key = "";
}else if(objLength > 0 && teal.typeOf(obj[0]).match(/boolean|string|number|date/)){
//This is a normal array that doesn't need a nested delimiter
//Add the nested_delimiter to the parent key
parent_key += ""+teal.nested_delimiter;
//Format the new key name and take out any whitespace
var new_key_name = teal.getKeyName((teal.prefix+parent_key).replace(/\s/g, ''));
for(var n = 0; n < objLength; n++){
var key_type = teal.typeOf(obj[n]);
//If obj[n] is a date, convert to ISOString
if(key_type === 'date'){
obj[n] = obj[n].toISOString();
//First check to see if this key exists
if(teal.typeOf(new_obj[new_key_name]) !== "array"){
//Make the key an array
new_obj[new_key_name] = [];
//If the value of the key is a boolean or a string or a number and
//the key shouldn't be ignored add to the data layer
}else if(key_type === 'object'){
teal.typeOf = function(e){return ({}).toString.call(e).match(/\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase();}
teal.flattenObject = function(obj,new_obj){
//Make sure object exists
if(typeof obj === 'undefined'){
return false;
//Check to see if we want to flatten the same object and keep the reference
var mergeObject = false;
if(obj === new_obj){
mergeObject = true;
//Start off a clean copy of the object
new_obj = {};
//Make sure new object exists
if(typeof new_obj === 'undefined'){
new_obj = {};
//Check to see if this object is an array
if(teal.typeOf(obj) === 'array'){
//Store a safe copy of this object in case we are processing the b object
var temp_array = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
var temp_array_length = temp_array.length;
//Clean up the object
obj = {};
//Let's see if the obj and new_obj are the same. If so, going to assume we are using the b object
if(obj == new_obj){
//Let's ensure that we have the a object
if(typeof a === 'undefined'){
var a = 'view';
//Add the automatic utag data points
for(var i = 0; i < temp_array_length; i++){
//Need to delete everything out of obj and replace with new_obj
delete obj[key];
//Now that we have a clean original object, add everything from new_obj which allows the reference to be kept
obj[key] = new_obj[key];
return new_obj;
- 左のサイドバーで、iQ Tag Management > Extensionsに移動します。
- JavaScriptコード拡張機能を追加します。
- タイトルフィールドに
Data Layer Converter
と入力します。 - スコープフィールドでPre Loaderを選択します。
- ドラフト名フィールドにドラフトの名前を入力します。
- コピーしたコードを拡張機能のJavaScriptフィールドに貼り付けます。
- Approve for Publishをクリックし、ターゲットを選択します。
- 左のサイドバーで、iQ Tag Management > Extensionsに移動します。
- JavaScript拡張機能を追加します。
- タイトルフィールドに
Convert to utag_data
と入力します。 - スコープフィールドでPre Loaderを選択します。
- ドラフト名フィールドにドラフトの名前を入力します。
- 次のコードをJavaScriptフィールドにコピーして貼り付けます:
utag_data = teal.flattenObject(digitalData);
最終更新日 :: 2024年March月29日